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Become a Member

The contributions of our members will ensure that MaconIt is able to grant scholarships to students from Macon, Ga, as well as implement other programs and initiatives that will support the development of our community- and community. Each member is also provided with additional benefits and engagement opportunities for being invested supporters.

Membership Benefits

Collegiate and Alumni Membership​

  • Access to lifelong social support 

  • Access to personal and professional development opportunities 

  • Access to our on call support team

  • Access to exclusive monthly workshops 

  • Access to exclusive monthly meetings 

  • Free yearly professional headshot 

  • MaconIt Identification card

  • Membership specific discounts

  • Members only newsletter

Associate Membership

  • Access to exclusive monthly workshops 

  • Membership specific discounts

  • Members only newsletter

Membership Types

Collegiate Membership

  • 17-40 years old

  • Enrolled in a 2-4 year college/university

  • At least one year Macon, GA resident

College Alumni

  • 17-40 years old

  • A graduate of a 2-4 year college/university

  • At least one year Macon, GA resident

Associate Membership

  • 21+ years old

  • General MaconIt supporters

  • Limited access to membership benefits

Membership Contributions

MaconIt aims to educate, mentor, sponsor and serve college students and college alumni in hopes that our members will evolve into active members of the Macon community and all other communities they are a part of. Our organization relies and thrives on support, personal and professional development each member is committed to. Below are the contributions each member is expected to take. Each contribution must be made for membership renewal.

MaconIT Membership Requirements 2021

Membership Image.png

Submit your application for membership today!

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